Entries by Louise Pode

Anxiety ….is it your Friend or Foe?

As we continue to navigate an uncertain world, our mental wellbeing is constantly being tested, which has led to levels of anxiety increasing around the world. In the UK, anxiety is among the most common mental health disorders. Research also shows that employee anxiety is a challenge for organisations as well, with anxiety accounting for a […]

Imposter Syndrome

Have you ever felt you’re not good enough at your job and you’ll be found out? Despite being successful do you think you aren’t as capable as others think you are? No matter how much evidence there is that we are successfully navigating our lives many of us hold these false beliefs.   This is […]

Are you feeling stressed or burnt out?

Working under the constant pressures created by COVID can create chronic stress and burnout and have a long term impact on your wellbeing. Stress creates feelings of hyperactivity, emotionally fragility, from being tearful to short tempered, and anxiety.

What energises you when the going gets tough?

Being an SME business leader has never been tougher- whether you are riding the crest of the wave working all hours to optimise opportunities or flat lining and barely making progress or maybe having to close parts or all of your business.